Monday, July 16, 2012

Bent But Never Broken

Izzy has healed well from her surgery and she's as happy as most any 50+ pound puppy you might imagine.

Yup, now well passed the 50 pound mark, she's become a major force in size. Places she once found an easy rest are now a tight squeeze. But she has a unique flexibility that I have never seen in dogs; she can (evidently) bend herself in ways to make those tight spots work...

How does she do that?

It really does look painful.

During the heat of the day, Izzy and Mya like to come in and soak the cool air from the A/C floor vent. They generally take in a midday nap before going back out to play in their pool...

Taking a midday chill

On a side note, both dogs have developed some rash on their bellies and the vet says that they appear to be an allergic reaction to something. We are investigating their brand of dog food as well as possibly grass pollen or ant bites.

More on this last item as information arrives.


Thursday, July 5, 2012

It's a Dog's Life

In spite of her surgery and the stitches, Izzy is doing just fine.

The following images were taken today... the first at about 6 am and the second, during the heat of the Alabama summer day about noon...

Outgrowing Momma's chair
Izzy has lost what I consider to be a substantial portion of her white coat... likely due to the season and temperatures. But even less the mass of fluff, she is quickly outgrowing her favorite resting spots.

Izzy, less a little doggy dignity

About midday, Izzy likes to crawl up under the porch swing where the fan blows down and keeps the concrete slab a bit cooler. Once in a relaxed state, all dignity goes out the screen door, lol.


Sunday, July 1, 2012

Oh, the pain of it...

We found Izzy by way of an ad on Craigslist. She was the daughter of two Great Pyrs that live just outside the small, rural community of Notasulga, Alabama. Prior to her adoption, we had a male, toy poodle that had recently passed. We also had (and have) a female Aussie.

We wanted a dog.

We both have a history of many pets and over the 14 years we have been together, we have never had a period longer than a few weeks when we didn't have a pet of one kind or another. Izzy came at a time when we all had a big blank spot in our hearts after the loss of our poodle. There was never any intention to breed our pet...

Izzy at normal speed, lol!

Izzy was to become a member of the family, not make a profit by way of reproduction.

So... last Friday, Izzy had her puppy machinery removed and now, she's bearing a few stitches, taking various medications and worst of all, instructions to keep this 47 pound pup from getting too active for a spell.

Yeah, just a little like trying to tie a ribbon around a passing cloud, lol.

But... so far, she has done well. She doesn't seem to have any respect for the pain she SHOULD be feeling. In truth, she wants to run and play just like normal. And she doesn't appreciate it that we don't let her!

Anyway, she'll be fine soon and she can spend all her days in the lap of luxury as a beloved member of our family.